【評價實用商品】Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃

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Britax Römer Infant Car Seat Baby Safe 2 i-Size 設計式樣: Storm Grey · 2019

The infant car seat Baby Safe 2 i-Size by Britax Römer offers plenty of space to grow and provides a flat recline position.

Group/weight category:

  • Suitable from birth up to a body height of 83 cm
  • Suitable for children from birth up to 13 kg
  • Can be used from birth up to approximately 15 months
Conforms to the norm:

Attaching the infant car seat by using the Britax Römer Baby Safe i-Size Flex Base or the Baby Safe i-Size Base (not included in delivery!) is very simple. Colour indicators signalise whether the infant car seat has been installed correctly and provide additional safety. Alternatively, you can install the infant car seat Baby Safe 2 i-Size by using your car's own seat belt.

發燒好康特賣會At the beginning, the neck muscles of newborn babies is not yet fully developed which is why your child should preferably lie in a flat position. The patented technology by Britax Römer ensures such a position. Adjusting the recline position is very simple - when you adjust the height of the headrest, the recline position adapts accordingly. The built-in newborn insert with shock-absorbing foam padding provides extra support and additional protection.

The SICT technology is to be activated on the door side of the car seat at all times. The side impact protection technology provides double protection for your child. In case of a side impact, the forces that occur are distributed away from your little one and then absorbed.

禮物送禮The 5-point safety belt is perfectly suitable for your child. It keeps him safe in the shell and distributed the forces that occur in the event of an impact via five different points. The padded headrest as well as the shoulder straps can be adjusted easily and with only one hand - that way, they can be adapted perfectly to the size of your child.

搶購送禮Tip: Please make sure that the headrest is always in the correct position above the shoulders of your child.

The sun canopy offers protection against wind and sunshine. Due to the fact that the attachment points are located on the side of the carrying handle, you can easily carry infant car seat even when canopy is opened. The carrying handle can be unlocked on each side and adjusted in an easy and effortless way. When the infant car seat is put on the floor, you can easily put your child in or else prevent the Baby Safe 2 i-Size from rocking.

網路熱銷產品熱銷產品Another great highlight: The Baby Safe 2 i-Size is certified and approved for being used on airplanes. That way, your little one can enjoy the tried and tested safety as well as the comfort provided by this infant car seat both when travelling by car and by plane.


  • Infant car seat with a lot of space and flat lying position
  • Suitable from birth up to approximately 13kg
  • Installation via car's own seat belt or the Britax Römer Baby Safe i-Size Flex Base and Baby Safe i-Size Base (not included in delivery!)
  • Certified and approved for being used on airplanes
  • Inclination of base can be adjusted in four different levels
  • Newborn insert with shock-absorbing foam pads
  • Dual-shield side impact protection
  • 特惠特價商品
  • Five-point harness with belt pads
  • CP值爆表評價
  • Sun canopy with UV protection 50+
  • Dimensions: 58 x W 44 x D 67 cm
  • Weight: 4.8 kg
  • Made in Germany




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【評價實用商品】Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃
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教你怎麼省荷包!評價怎麼樣, 【評價實用商品】Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃
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NBA/西決G2勇士柯瑞37分 114:111逆襲奪2勝
柯瑞(左)全力進攻。 路透 分享 facebook 【賽況報導】第一節 拓荒者 31:29 勇士西區決賽第二場勇士杜蘭特仍是缺陣,仍是以「浪花兄弟」柯瑞12分與湯普森7分加上格林6分攻勢為主,而拓荒者此役力圖求勝,殺出阿米尤(Al-Farouq Aminu)9分與海克雷斯(Maurice Harkless)8分這兩位先發球員與麥凱倫8分合作,拓荒者攻勢多點開花,使得他們首節拉出對勇士領先。. } }); } 第二節 拓荒者 65:50 勇士次節比賽,拓荒者首節有了阿米尤及海克雷斯火力支援下,首節未得分的里拉德在次節發威攻下10分,再加上麥凱倫8分攻勢,至於勇士除了柯瑞,其他人都陷入空窗,使得拓荒者拉出15分領先差距。勇士半場表現以柯瑞19分最差,拓荒者則是麥凱倫16分最佳。第三節 拓荒者 89:89 勇士不讓「雙槍」專美於前,勇士「浪花兄弟」第三節全力開火,兩人合力砍進24分,助勇士演出大反撲戲碼,三節結束居然打平拓荒者,令主場球迷興奮不已。第三節為上,柯瑞攻下30分,湯普森22分,拓荒者則以麥凱倫22分最高。BACKTOBACK購買限時優惠#SPLASH 💦 pic.twitter.com/6ZRa6qloH3— Golden State Warriors (@warriors) May 17, 2019第四節 拓荒者 : 勇士兩軍第四節短兵相接,比數一路僵持互有領先,勇士「浪花兄弟」對決拓荒者「雙槍」,比賽剩最後一分鐘拓荒者的小柯瑞(Seth Curry)投進三分球,一度以111:領先,但勇士連續兩波攻勢,剩12.3秒再把比數以114:111超前,勇士守成至最後,拿下二連勝。柯瑞全場攻下37分是獲勝功臣。賽事文字轉播比賽數據Tonight’s Starting Lineups: pic.twitter.com/OPxXWzyX1Y— Warriors PR (@WarriorsPR) May 17, 2019【賽前報導】西區決賽勇士對決拓荒者系列賽,今天進行第二場交鋒,勇士杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)再度缺陣,然而經歷首場勇士以116:94獲勝後,勇士即使少了杜蘭特,在主場優勢下仍具有強大的戰力,而拓荒者若不能贏得這場勝利,把戰局扳平的話,屆時杜蘭特恢復上場,即使回到主場都未必有利。勇士柯瑞(Srephen Curry)與湯普森(Klay Thompson)「浪花兄弟」首場合力打造62分助球隊獲勝,特別柯瑞一人就投進9個三分球攻下36分,證明他在杜蘭特缺陣,依舊能扛起球隊大任,確實,拓荒者也承認難以守住柯瑞,因此最好的方式,還是需要「雙槍」里拉德(Damian Lillard)、麥凱倫(CJ McCollum)能有更高水準演出,而兩人上一場合得36分,是柯瑞一人的得分而已,所以「雙槍」要更努力才能拓荒者找到生機。Bouncin’ around ⬆️ pic.twitter.com/vqrs1l42WP— Golden State Warriors (@warriors) May 17, 2019






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